• Networking scheme

    Topological graph of radio and television one-way HFC network The solution is mainly used for digital TV optical fiber and coaxial cable hybrid transmission, and the front end uses optical transmission to the optical workstation node. Then coaxial cable and power divider are used to connect to thousands of households. This solution is simple and flexible. EPON+EOC ----Optical fiber to the building, coaxial cable to the home The CATV front end uses optical fiber to connect to the optical workstation. The Internet uses the EPON optical network to bridge and switch, and the CATV signal is mixed at cable bridge switch to access users through coaxial cable. EPON+EOC ----Optical fiber to the building, coaxial cable to the home CATV and the Internet are connected to the cable bridge access point by sharing an optical fiber through the optical combiner, and then they are converted into electrical signal and delivered to the end users using coaxial cables and power dividers. Docsis EOC for EPON ----Optical fiber to the building, coaxial cable to the home The CATV is transmitted to the optical workstation through optical fiber, and the Internet is transmitted to the EPON terminal through PON network. Finally, the Internet signal and CATV signal are connected to the CMTS, and delivered to the user's DOCSIS CM terminal through the coaxial cable and power splitter, realizing the two-in-one transmission of network.

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  • Jiuzhou Commercial Video Solution

    An industry leading end-to-end commercial video, media and communications solution suitable for hospitality, healthcare, educational institutions and conferencing venues CVS is an end-to-end solution for the delivery and management of video and services to business properties: ♦ Hospitality ♦ Healthcare facilities – hospitals, retirement homes, recreation and wellness centers, physician waiting rooms ♦ Educational institutions – schools, universities, training centers ♦ Conferencing venues ♦ Any environment that uses business TV, messaging and/or digital signage Highlights: ♦ Fast check-out ♦ Messaging ♦ Digital signage and local advertising ♦ Concierge services (local weather, news and attractions) ♦ No head-end infrastructure on hotel premise ♦ HTML5 based user-friendly guest interactive guide that runs on multiple device types ♦ Powerful web portals for commercial property manager to drive services and hotel brand identity across facilities CVS enables operators to provide easy-to-implement broadcast, IP, and VOD services to businesses wanting to generate revenue from their video service using their existing residential network. CVS enables hoteliers to provide a complete set of services like concierge, reservation, messaging and advertisement to improve guest experience and generate additional revenues.

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  • Jiuzhou Net+ Value-added Service System

    A lightweight, all-around advertising system boosts operators' extra receivables; Innovation of DVB terminal, transmission and terminal operation monitoring, Helping operators improve value and services; Assist TV assistant, imagine spiritual interaction, and embrace network life. Advertising system program Products Feature STB Display Effect Viewing system program Function list Display Effect Benefit TV Assistant(TV+) Display Effect Smart home control

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  • Multi-screen interactive

    随着移动互联网的普及,用户逐渐改变传统收看电视方式,开始使用智能终端(OTT Smart STB ,Smrat phone、Tablet)收看来自互联网的视频内容, 有线运营商的市场受到严峻挑战,特别是传统的单向数字电视运营商,挑战更大。 方案概述: 九洲多屏互动方案,通过对开放的DLNA协议进行扩展,将多屏互动机顶盒的直播视频分发到Pad/Phone进行播放,并利用Pad/Phone操作的易操作性,对多屏互动机顶盒进行操控,提高用户满意度。 多屏互动应用于广电网络运营商,通过多屏互动方案,将广电网络运营商的视频服务快速的延伸到移动端,提高运营商的用户粘度。 系统组网环境 方案亮点: ◆支持镜屏:将多屏互动机顶盒屏幕投射到Pad、Phone的屏幕上显示,并支持在Pad/Phone上的屏幕上对多屏互动机顶盒进行操控; ◆支持直播:通过DLNA扩展,可以观看多屏互动机顶盒上直播节目,并将观看的节目投射到多屏互动机顶盒播放; ◆支持遥控:支持Pad/Phone遥控器、触屏控制、游戏手柄控制多屏互动机顶盒,方便用户操作; 1、遥控器 2、触屏控制 3.游戏手柄 ◆ 支持投屏:将Pad/Phone的视频、音乐、图片投射到多屏互动机顶盒,并控制多屏互动机顶盒进行播放、展示; 1、按图片、音乐、视频分类列出本机媒体 2、将本机媒体推送到机顶盒播放 ◆支持搜索:支持按关键词搜索点播、直播、回看节目,并将搜索内容投射到多屏互动机顶盒播放; ◆ 支持将搜索结果推送到机顶盒播放; ◆支持自动连接:支持UPnP自动发现服务,自动连接到多屏互动机顶盒; ◆支持远程输入:支持在Pad/Phone上输入字符到多屏互动机顶盒输入框中; ◆ 支持iOS、Android操作系统智能终端,手机及平板。

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  • Netgem/visional solution

    九洲不只是机顶盒 机顶盒 +  OTT 应用 + 增值业务 = 持续收益 九洲OTT内容聚合平台结构 九洲OTT内容聚合平台(Content Aggregation Platform,简称CAP)是一个汇聚主流互联网内容及第三方内容的端到端系统,该系统对内容信息进行二次聚合和整合(获取、筛选、分类、组合、推荐、搜索、智能呈现),通过电视门户(TV Portal)的方式,基于开放互联网,把ISP/CP内容呈现给机顶盒用户。 核心组件包括: 内容管理系统(CMS):对OTT内容、增值业务管理,如对天气、新闻、广告等, 用户管理系统(SMS): 对用户进行管理,如认证、授权 TV Portal  :内容呈现入口 TMS:终端管理,如远程升级 九洲OTT内容聚合平台驱动OTT产业链良性发展 九洲OTT内容聚合平台功能特点 支持特定内容源的聚合、管理 支持用户认证、授权、接入 支持用户访问记录统计(时间、时长、频率) 支持特定区域用户消息推送支持广告发布 支持机顶盒在线可控升级 支持新闻信息浏览、天气预报查询、互联网广播、上网冲浪、照片分享、外语学习等 支持游戏(如 Maze、Russia block、Snake) 支持社交网络:Facebook、Twitter 支持访问第三方视频内容(如Youtube) 九洲OTT内容聚合平台对运营商的价值 通过为用户提供更多的OTT应用来提高用户满意度,留住老用户,发展新用户 通过在应用中植入广告,增加持续收入 通过OTT方式开展优质内容服务,向用户收费,提高ARPU值 基于HTML5开发应用,标准开放,可以快速、方便部署新业务 平台开放,方便第三方SP/CP接入,通过与第三方SP/CP收入分成,发挥社会资源参与积极性,繁荣产业 九洲OTT内容聚合平台支持的业务 音乐电台                                                                                   照片分享

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  • Multi-screen interactive application case

    随着互联网的普及,用户逐渐在改变通过电视获得视频信息的习惯,而是更多通过智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本终端设备来收看网络视频内容,电视用户群体逐渐流失,特别是年轻人群,传统的有线运营商面临着严峻的挑战。 客户介绍: 深圳天威是深圳地区最大的有线电视运营商,并于2008年中在香港上市,是我国第一家建设经营有线电视网络的股份制企业,目前用户超过1000万。 解决方案: 为了帮助运营商实现更多业务,提供更多具有吸引力的功能,公司为天威定制设计了家庭智能网关机顶盒,其中一个最大的亮点便是多屏互动功能: ★可以通过多种互动技术协议,可以实现直播转码、镜屏、投屏功能; ★机顶盒解码一套实时节目在电视机屏幕播放,转码另外一套节目在PAD、Phone屏幕上播放; ★电视机屏幕画面也可以镜屏投射到phone、pad屏幕显示;反之,phone、pad屏幕画面也可以通过互动机顶盒投射到电视机屏幕显示出来; ★用户还能将phone、PAD上的图片、音频、视频内容通过互动机顶盒在电视机屏上显示出来 多屏互动功能极大的增加了机顶盒的可玩性,在实际运营中,帮助运营商天威赢得了不少客户。

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